Key Terms

Introduction to HTML

Introduction to HTML


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In web development accessibility means making sure as many people as possible are able to use your website, regardless of disabilities and other special needs.  Read more...

Alt Attribute
Its value is displayed in place of an image if the web browser is unable to display the image and it is also read by screen readers. Read more...

The charset (character set) value tells the web browser what character encoding the page uses.  Read more...

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
Code that styles HTML elements. 

Doctype Tag
It tells the web browser which version of HTML or XHTML you are using.  Read more...

The end-user of software or hardware is the person that will end up using it. Read more...

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
The markup language used to display content on the web.  Read more...

HTML Attribute
HTML attributes are located inside an element's start tag and provide additional about the element.  Read more...

HTML Element
An HTML element is an individual component within a web page.  Read more...

Commands read by the web browser, but not displayed in the browser.  They are used to format HTML documents.  Read more...

The fifth version of HTML and the newest version in wide-spread use. Read more...

ISO Language Codes

Front-end programming language used in web development. 

Markup Language
A markup language provides a systematic approach to annotating a document to describe how the document should be presented.  Read more...

Data about other data.  HTML Meta Tags contain metadata that provide additional information about your web page to search engines and web browsers.

Page Body
Part of an HTML document where the main content is located.  Read more...

Page Description
HTML metadata content type that is used by search engines and advertises the content of your page.  Read more...

Page Head
The page head is the top part of an HTML document that contains metadata.   Read more...

Page Title
Metadata located inside the page head that describes the page content.  Read more...

Responsive Design
Designing a webpage to resize and adjust depending on the size of the user's device. Possible devices include computers, smart TVs, smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches.  Read more...

Src Attribute
The src attribute's value is the location of the file.  It can be an absolute or relative URL.

The area of a web page that is visible to the user.

Viewport Tag
The viewport tag contains important information, telling the web browser how to scale your webpage to make it responsiveRead more...

Web Conent
Web content is the stuff you see, hear, and read on a website. It includes text, pictures, videos, and audio files. Read more...